Reduce Right

Heavy music coming at you from London

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Gimme some background?

Reduce Right is Dave C's solo project. I got tired of "You're just the drummer" so wrote an album. That said, having released a few singles, during lockdown I got into piano in an attempt to learn music theory, and some songs are now piano‐based. They're not metal, but are still heavy.

More metal is coming though.

How best to stay up to date?

Probably Twitter (if you don't mind a strange sense of humour). For releasing music, I have the most stuff on Bandcamp. But follow Reduce Right on your music streaming app of choice!

Says here you're a drummer. So you play drums on your own stuff?

Way too out of practice TBH ‐my studio guy plays drums. Typically I make demos with programmed drums and take them to him. We sit and go back‐and‐forth on the drum parts and it's very fun.

However, I'm currently getting back into drums…

Where's the name from?

It's a coding thing. Only the severely nerdy will survive.

Your stuff sounds over‐produced, over‐edited.

It does, and the plan is to gradually move away from that style of production to something a lil more raw.

Why do you favour Bandcamp?

Probably an emotional attachment ‐it has the feel of the underground or something. Also I can easily list credits ‐I don't do all this on my own. That reminds me: severe credit to my studio guy who can program and enhance any orchestra stuff I ask for and generally acts as a kind of co-producer.

You playing live?

Not yet, will need to find some metalhead musicians to do that with.

How to get in touch?

Listen on all streaming services ⇒

Words of Metal lyrics game ⇒

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